Bed Bugs Bedbugs Emergency Pest Control Service
Bed Bugs Bedbugs Emergency Pest Control Service

Bed Bugs Bedbugs Emergency Pest Control Service

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are parasites that feed on humans, using their blood to grow and reproduce. Bed bugs also feed on animals, including dogs, cats and other pets.

People can be bitten without realizing it. Bite reactions vary from no reaction to mild (a red spot) to severe (rash or hives).

Bed bugs are found in many places, including homes, schools, retail facilities, office buildings, libraries and other public areas.

Bed bugs were almost completely removed from North America due to mass treatments with highly toxic insecticides that are no longer in use. Frequent travel, being good hitchhikers, improved treatment methods that target other insects without affecting bed bugs, and a lack of public awareness has led to a rise in the spread of bed bugs.